Optisystem Research Papers List 2016

Optisystem Research Papers List 2016

1. Photonic methods of millimeter-wave generation based on Brillouin fiber laserOptisystem
2. Investigation on four wave mixing effect in various optical Fibers for different spectral effi cient orthogonal modulation FormatsOptisystem
3. Simulative Analysis of DWDM Systems Using Loop Control in Inter Satellite Optical Wireless Communication Channel for 10,000 km Long Distance TransmissionOptisystem
4. Performance optimization of SOA, EDFA, Raman and hybrid optical amplifiers in WDM network with reduced channel spacing of 50 GHzOptisystem
5. On the effect of the extinction ratio and the modulation index on optical up conversion using DSBSC modulation and transmitting over different fiber linksOptisystem
6. Ultra high capacity inter-satellite optical wireless communication system using different optimized modulation formatsOptisystem
7. Study on the color merging of white light and transmission properties of wavelength division multiplexing light communication system based on RGB light-emitting diodesOptisystem
8. Simultaneous MMW generation and up-conversion for WDM-ROF systems based on FP laserOptisystem
9. Long reach DWDM-PON with 12.5 GHz channel spacing based on comb source seedingOptisystem