1. Application of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines in
Classification of Healthcare Data | Medical Data Mining | |
2. An Efficient Framework for Heart Disease Classification using Feature Extraction and
Feature Selection Technique in Data Mining | Medical Data Mining | |
3. Human Heart Disease Prediction System using Data Mining Techniques | Medical Data Mining | |
4. Predicting Generalized Anxiety Disorder Among Women Using Random Forest
Approach | Medical Data Mining | |
5. Different Medical Data Mining Approaches Based Prediction of Ischemic Stroke | Medical Data Mining | |
6. Combining Naive Bayes Classifiers with Temporal Association Rules for Coronary Heart
Disease Diagnosis | Medical Data Mining | |
7. Application of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines in
Classification of Healthcare Data | Medical Data Mining | |
8. Machine Learning Techniques for Effective Text Analysis of Social Network E-Heath
data | Medical Data Mining | |
9. Investigation of Website Classification Methods Based on Data Mining Techniques | Web Mining | |
10. Improvised hybrid model for user navigation pattern prediction | Web Mining | |
11. Analysis of FP-Growth and Apriori Algorithms on Pattern Discovery from Weblog
Data | Web Mining | |
12. Enhancing Spam Detection on Mobile Phone Short Message Service (SMS) Performance
using FP-Growth and Naive Bayes Classifier | Text Mining | |
13. A Sentiment Classification Model Based on Multiple Classifiers. | Text Mining | |
14. Aspect term extraction for sentiment analysis in large movie reviews using Gini Index
feature selection method and SVM classifier | Text Mining | |
15. Classification of Sentiment Reviews using N-gram Machine Learning Approach | Text Mining | |
16. Proposed efficient algorithm to filter spam using machine learning techniques | Text Mining | |
17. Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews: A study on Feature Selection & Classification
Algorithms | Text Mining | |
18. Analysis of factors affecting enrollment pattern in Indian universities using k-means
clustering | Education Data Mining | |
19. Prediction of Students Performance using Educational Data Mining, 2016, IEEE,
Education Data Mining | Education Data Mining | |
20. Analysis of Customer Churn Prediction in Telecom Industry using Decision Trees and
Logistic Regression | Data Mining | |
21. A Comparative Study of Social Network Classifiers for Predicting Churn in the
Telecommunication Industry | Data Mining | |
22. Different Medical Data Mining Approaches Based Prediction of Ischemic Stroke | Medical Data Mining | |
23. Opinion Mining of News Headlines using SentiWordNet | Text Mining | |
24. A Novel Text Mining Approach Based on TF-IDF and Support Vector Machine for News Classification | Text Mining | |
25. Identification of Emotions in Text Articles through Data Pre-Processing and Data Mining Techniques | Text Mining | |
26. Modifying Naive Bayes Classifir for Multinomial Text Classifiation | Text Mining | |
27. Improved Feature Extraction and Classification Sentiment Analysis | Text Mining | |
28. Classification and prediction of heart disease risk using data mining techniques of support vector machine and artificial neural network | Medical Mining | |
29. Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Special Disease Prediction using Principal of Component Analysis | Medical Mining | |
30. Prediction of Heart Diseases Using Associative Classification | Medical Mining | |
31. An Efficient Framework for Heart Disease Classification using Feature Extraction and Feature Selection Technique in Data Mining | Medical Mining | |